Sue Wilkinson

Headshot for Sue

Sue Wilkinson

  • Title:  Partner
  • Phone:  703.385.2778
  • Email:

Sue Wilkinson

Sue grew up on the Coast of Maine and in the Low Country of South Carolina. After graduating from the University Of Maine, Orono in 1991, she landed in Northern Virginia where she taught in the public school system.

Sue made a career switch as she joined the Grimes Agency in 2006. Sue is the technology specialist at the Grimes Agency, but, most importantly, her years of experience in the surety industry help her educate and help you through the process of securing a surety bond.

Sue and her husband, Bill, reside in Northern Virginia with their four sons and dogs Forrest and Izzy.


University of Maine
Education, 1991

Virginia Insurance Property & Casualty License, 2007